Archive | June, 2015

God’s love and gay marriage: my perspective

27 Jun

Perhaps you’ve noticed while millions of posts on Facebook and millions of tweets on Twitter have been made about gay marriage, I’ve been silent up until now. 

Here’s my perspective: God created mankind for fellowship with Him. But He also gave us free wills, and therefor a choice. We can do our own thing, freely. And that can last this lifetime. 
But there is an eternity, and another choice He gave us – to accept His love, and enter into an eternal love relationship with Him. It’s not unconditional. It comes with the understanding that we have all fallen short of His standards (we’ve sinned,) and that to we need to forsake those things in our lives we have made more important than Him. If He is really God, then he’s worthy of the #1 slot in our lives. 

God loved me so much He died in my place and forgave my sin. His only caveat was that I accept that gift of eternal life. And I did. It transformed me. My heart is now full of His love, a love far more encompassing than anything I could bring about on my own. I will use that love as He does – to love all people unconditionally, by whatever title they choose to call themselves. I’ll never find a perfect human, nor one who does not need love. Therefor, my response is, quite simply, I will love. I don’t have to always agree with someone to love them. Part of my love will be to share my desire that they also experience that life-changing love, and get to spend eternity both with me and the source of that love – God.